Wednesday, April 23, 2014

TED Talks: Powerful Speeches to Inspire Your Career

I have a confession to make. I am slightly obsessed with TED Talks; and by slightly, I mean incredibly obsessed. I’ve watched hundreds of TED Talks over the past few years. They can be funny, brutally honest, good, and even bad. I found that 99 percent of them have some kind of impact on how I view the world. I guarantee you that you can find a TED Talk on just about any topic. That’s what brought me to the idea of compiling a few great talks which revolve around career, life, and the future. I have watched all of these and feel as though they are excellent motivators to help you succeed in the world!

To inspire you to find your passion: Larry Smith – WhyYou Will Fail to Have a Great Career
Lots of times we hold ourselves back from accomplishing our goals. Maybe it’s out of fear or something else, but often we find excuses that prevent us from having a great career. Larry Smith, a professor of economics at the University of Waterloo presented a TED Talk on why you will fail to have a great career, unless. Watch and find out why!

To help you find a work-life balance: Nigel Marsh – How to Make Work-Life Balance Work
Everyone knows someone who lives to work, rather than works to live. It seems as though his or her entire life revolves around the nine-to-five life, which often extends well beyond nine to five, and that he or she has no time for anything else. Nigel Marsh is an Australian author who has spent time heavily researching the key to work-life balance. Watch the video below to see what he recommends!

To encourage you right now: Meg Jay – Why 30 Is Not the New 20
The TED Talk that has made possibly the biggest impact upon my life comes from clinical psychologist Meg Jay. In her talk Jay discusses why your twenties is the most defining period of your adult life. If you have ever questioned your actions or felt as though you had time to waste, watch this video!

I hope that you were able to take something away from each of these TED Talks. There are so many great ones available, it was hard to choose just three. Inspiration for life, career, and your future can be found in many different ways! The key is learning how to recognize it and how to put it to good use! 

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